- The application of a protective layer of liquid glass to a phone is very simple and the advantages are:
- The mobile phone becomes very easy to clean (e.g. finger prints can be removed with a dry wipe or micro-fibre)
- The mobile phone screen becomes significantly more scratch resistant.
- The mobile phone becomes “biostatic”; bacteria find the surface to be inhospitable and so bacteria development is impaired
- You no longer need to use a clumsy and costly protection film
- No bubbles
- The application is super easy and quick
- Suitable for all mobile phones include “Edge” models
- Creates a 9H glass layer
- Inhibits bacterial growth
- Blocks 80% of y wave radiation
Radiation comes in many frequencies. You can’t stop all frequencies otherwise the phone would not work. The data tells us that the coating is effective at reducing Y wave radiation. We are not claiming the coating inhibits all frequencies, but this facility to interfere with y wave radiation is significant.